Kevin Jordan
Location: Dallas, TX
I've been a hobby programmer for about 11 years when I started writing some batch scripts for my local BBS and doing some mods for LORD II (if any of you guys remember that sweet game).
I really got big into programming during college when my roommate and I decided to make a video hosting site (this was before YouTube). I started reading and playing with PHP all day and all night. It was then that I programmed my first dynamic website, complete with membership system, search abilities, and video uploading. Unfortunately, after it was up, we couldn't afford the bandwidth.
I decided to create this site so that people who have never worked on a team or had an opportunity to work on a complex project, could have a glimpse into what it's like and improve their skills. I've also always learned best from looking at real code, and thought it would be useful to see everything used in context rather than as lone snippets.
I'm currently a C# programmer working on tax software. That pays the bills so at night I can go home and get back to my PHP roots. I'm currently working on a web based MMORPG. Hopefully it should be ready for beta in a couple months.
Beginners Guide to HTML Part 1
This tutorial is designed for beginners who are just starting on the path to learning web programming. We'll start by describing the parts that every HTML document has and then move all the way through tables and forms.
Beginners Guide to HTML Part 2
This tutorial is designed for beginners who are just starting on the path to learning web programming. We'll start by describing the parts that every HTML document has and then move all the way through tables and forms.
Learning C# Part 1: Creating Your First Program
This series aims to take a beginning programmer to an intermediate level in C#. Topics covered in Part 1 include: a brief intro to the .NET Framework, customizing Visual Studio, the stages of the development process, creating a new Windows application project, using the Forms designer, and running the application.
Learning C# Part 2: Language Fundamentals
This series aims to take a beginning programmer to an intermediate level in C#. Topics covered in Part 2 include: C# program structure, declaring and intializing variables, characters, strings, constants, enumeration, converting between types, and expressions and operators.
Learning C# Part 3: Control Structures
This series aims to take a beginning programmer to an intermediate level in C#. Topics covered in Part 3 include: if/else statements, switch/case, and for, while, and do loops.
Learning C# Part 4: Classes and Objects
This series aims to take a beginning programmer to an intermediate level in C#. Topics covered in Part 4 include: classes and objects, accessibility and scope, methods, constructors, static class members, namespaces, and XML commenting.
Programming Tic-Tac-Toe In Visual Basic.NET
We'll start by using the visual editor to set up our interface and take it all the way into programming the artificial intelligence of the computer opponent.
Restarting the Jaguar Service with VBScript
This is a tool that will test to see if there are any current connections to an EAServer and then restart the jaguar service. Extra functionality was included such as a time limit on the vbscript and the ability to send email notifications.
Using VBScript to Add Hostnames in CSV Logs
Get your server logs ready for a database by using this VBScript to pull the hostname from a computer and add it to the beginning of each line in a .csv file.
Writing To Windows Event Log in Visual Basic.NET
This simple application uses the EventLog class to create a form for adding custom messages to the system and application log.