
Jay has been working in the IT industry since 1997 when he started out as a Systems Administrator in Cambridge, MA on a Mac, Windows and Unix/Linux network. At the height of the Internet Boom in 1998 Jay jumped into the fascinating world of Web Development and hasn't looked back. Since then Jay has used PHP, PERL, ColdFusion and ASP; and in 2001 he started focusing solely on .NET. In 2005 Jay earned his MCAD and when he gets around to it he'll get his MCSD. Most recently Jay has been getting back to his Open Source roots via Ajax, PHP and Linux. Jay also maintains a Linux Tips and Tricks blog: http://linux.gotfoo.org.

You can contact Jay here: http://linux.gotfoo.org/contact/


Building a Pageable and Sortable Ajax Enabled DataGrid with PHP5 and PDO
This tutorial explains how to build a dynamic data grid for browsing data. This is not a perfect data grid solution that can be just dropped onto a page, it requires a bit of hands on tweaking, but the end result is pretty amazing.

Creating an Album List with Ajax and C#
Over the past few months I have been toying with Ajax and .NET via the AJAX.NET Pro Library. I recently had a specific task to complete and it seemed to be a perfect candidate for Ajax. The task was very simple, get a list of Albums by an Artist. This functionality is of course part of a much larger on-line music app I was constructing but I needed to start with something small. The UI was very simple a TextBox to enter an Artists' Name and a Table to display the Albums.

This HOWTO will explain how to build an RSS Feed Reader using AjaxAgent and PHP that can read the latest posts from multiple Wordpress Blogs.

This HOWTO will explain how to extend Building an Ajax & PHP RSS Reader using AjaxAgent Part 1 to include No-Refresh/No-Post-Back Form operations, database interaction as well as auto-complete functions that demonstrate some advanced Ajax/PHP operations. The end result will be an RSS Feed Reader that contains the typical Create, Read, Update and Delete database operations but using Ajax to perform these tasks.

Using Ajax Agent and PHP for Auto-Complete
In this HOWTO I will explain how to use AjaxAgent and PHP to create an Ajax Auto-Complete box with a drill-down list of data. The UI is very simple. It consists of a TextBox to enter an Artists' Name, a selectbox to display the Albums and an unordered list to display the songs on an album.

Using phpFlickr to Integrate Flickr Photos on Your Own Site
In this tutorial I will explain how to use the phpFlickr API to interact with Flickr and display photos on a web site.