Programming Competition Rules & Prizes

Check it out, the prize value has doubled!

All entries received within the period of the contest will be published within one week after approval by Judging will be based on a variety of conditions including but not limited to: project concept and originality, clarity in writing style, popularity (unique traffic), and audience response (as seen in our forum and voting booth). The winner will be announced within 7-10 days after the contest entry period.

All articles are still eligible to have their Google Adsense IDs rotated with their article (See Write For Us for more details).

September/October 2006 Prize

- 1 Sep 2006 to 31 Oct 2006 -

Money, Money, Money... MONEY!


Whether you've heard of it, seen it, or are one of the lucky few to actually own some, you probably wouldn't mind having a little more. Write the most fancy-smancy tutorial for this contest and I'll either send you a check or PayPal it over to you.

The U.S. Department of the Treasury first issued paper U.S. currency in 1862 to make up for the shortage of coins and to finance the Civil War. There was a shortage of coins because people had started hoarding them; the uncertainty caused by the war had made the value of items fluctuate drastically. Because coins were made of gold and silver their value didn't change much, so people wanted to hang onto them rather than buy items that might lose their value.

In case you were wondering, I got these useless facts at Fact Monster.

Secondary Prize Option

We realize that not everyone will be intrested in the monthly prize (which would be really crazy this time). That's why we've decided to offer a secondary prize option each month. Contest winners living outside the continental U.S. or those not interested in our standard prize can receive a $100 gift certificate to instead. If you win the contest we will send an email asking which option you prefer before mailing out the prize.

The Rules

All entries must be received between September 1, 2006 and October 31, 2006, US Central Time. If a revision is requested by, then the entry date be the date the revision is submitted and accepted.

Articles will be published within one week after acceptance. The contest winner will be publicized on the main page of within 7-10 days after the contest period. Please allow 6-8 weeks delivery in order to receive your prize.

All articles regardless of contest status are eligible for Google Adsense revenue sharing. For additional details visit the Write For Us page.

The Winner

Using phpFlickr to Integrate Flickr Photos on Your Own Site - by Jay