Basic Website Design Layout and Accessibility

Written By: Grant Mc

- 14 Mar 2006 -

Description: This hypothetical project walks you through planning and designing a website with HTML and CSS.

  1. Website Planning and Design
  2. Writing the Style Sheet
  3. Basic HTML

Think of what you want!

When you are going to create a website the first and probably best thing to do is decide what will be on your website, target audience, multimedia, blogs etc...

The way I decide on what I want on my website is to decide well what do I like and I think "music", "photos", "web design" so I set up my website around my interests and this could be the start of a wonderful and unique website.


My favorite way to plan a website is to draw it on paper and take notes whilst I'm not in the mood for sitting in front of the computer looking for ideas. Some of the best idea's come to me when I relax with a cup of tea in front of the T.V.

I would then translate this into the computer and show some friends or family and ask for opinions etc... I take into account what people want or in some cases such as personal use sites what I want.

Start to note down on paper or your computer important things like:
     Is my site to make money?
          -where on the site will I make money?
          -what will make money?
               -selling things?

And so on. All this should be kept in mind.

Deciding on the coding language

Personally I would use xml, xhtml, html because I have always used them I have tried PHP not the easiest but not the hardest and you will probably use some java in your website.

Designing the layout

One idea is to use "tables" another is "divs" it totally depends on how you program website. In this program I will use "divs" which will be used in the css to some what control the environment and layout of the website.

Look and Feel is the most important parts of websites so now is the time to decide what sort of atmosphere you want to create, this could be done by creating a theme to the website say if you where going to base it on football then a football theme would go down a treat. Sorts of looks and feels are crowded (please steer away from this) plane (the kind with just text) distracting (the kind with lots going on i.e. Music in background flash advertisements going off pop-ups etc..) and our website (the best website out great look not to crowded no to plain just perfect).

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