Getting Groovy, Part III
Written By: James Williams
- 22 Aug 2006 -
Description: This tutorial is the third part of a series introducing the major features of Groovy, a dynamic scripting language for the Java Virtual Machine. We will be covering annotations, XML files, and file input/output.
In lieu of the calls needed to several constructs in Java. In Groovy we need only one. The following code opens a file and prints its contents to standard output:
f = new File('someFile.txt]').newReader() println f.getText()
The top line creates a BufferedReader, which in addition to the functions from the Java API, includes a getText() function. Similarily, we can write to a file just as easily:
f = new File('someFile.txt').newWriter() f.writeLine("Hello, world!") f.close()
Unlike the BufferedReader which can be left to be garbage-collected, BufferedWriters, as you probably already know, will need to be explicitly flushed or closed. Returning to our XML example, only a couple changes are needed to write the XML to a file:
f = new File('/home/jwill/Desktop/dd.xml').newWriter() builder = new groovy.xml.MarkupBuilder(f) builder.albums(owner:'James') { album(name:'Flowers') { photo(name:'rose.jpg') } album(name:'people') { photo(name:'john.jpg', desc:'picture of John') } } f.close()
We're done...for now. Sometime in the near future, I will demonstrate Groovy in a full-fledged application.