Scratch Projects Forum - Statistics Center
General Statistics
Total Members: 187
Total Posts: 394
Total Topics: 112
Total Categories: 5
Users Online: 2
Most Online: 81 - August 28, 2009, 05:15:20 AM
Online Today: 6
Average registrations per day: 0.13
Average posts per day: 0.07
Average topics per day: 0.02
Total Boards: 31
Latest Member: snottyspray50
Average online per day: 9.34
Male to Female Ratio: 52:1
Top 10 Posters Top 10 Boards
Kevin 136
sparks 113
Scratch Projects 56
Nathan 27
aboot 8
myz1235 5
tehkey 5
kaosd 3
g.mascellani 3
ozairkhan 2
Site Suggestions 71
Article Requests 58
User News and Announcements 40
PHP 37
Other programming languages not listed here 23
C# 20
Logo 20
Support 14
Ruby 13
SQL 13
Top 10 Topics (by Replies) Top 10 Topics (by Views)
Text Based RPG in C# 35
my logo! 16
Rating system 12
Need help 12
Building a Plugin Architecture with C# 11
ok i have my website but need a little help 10
I'm Going To Be A REAL Developer 10
back online 10
need help 10
Php programmers unite! 8
now you can get paid 28737
Text Based RPG in C# 14361
How do we use this forum? 13439
my logo! 10823
Need help 8613
I'm Going To Be A REAL Developer 7087
Project ideas 6116
Random Story Using Javascript 6015
Forums for databases 5924
Building a Plugin Architecture with C# 5815
Top Topic Starters Most Time Online
Scratch Projects 53
sparks 23
Kevin 11
Nathan 3
tehkey 2
aboot 2
KnightRider 2
ozairkhan 2
Monkey 2
wandCentelalt 1
Kevin 5h 26m
efoghorjos 1h 48m
aboot 1h 32m
AdminGirLX 1h 25m
Claxese09 46m
Nicholas 40m
Peppe316 38m
Nathan 36m
eproforsure 32m
ozairkhan 25m
Forum History (using forum time offset)
Monthly Summary New Topics New Posts New Members Most Online
May 2010 0 5 22 21
April 2010 1 1 16 35
March 2010 1 1 28 15
February 2010 0 0 10 12
January 2010 0 0 11 51
December 2009 0 0 4 30
November 2009 0 0 6 16
October 2009 0 0 9 28
September 2009 0 0 3 13
August 2009 0 0 4 81
July 2009 0 0 2 10
June 2009 0 0 3 11
May 2009 0 0 2 12
April 2009 0 0 0 13
March 2009 0 0 2 10
February 2009 0 0 0 20
January 2009 0 0 1 11
December 2008 0 0 0 13
November 2008 0 1 0 19
October 2008 3 5 3 36
September 2008 0 0 0 18
August 2008 0 0 1 43
July 2008 0 0 0 29
June 2008 6 7 1 27
May 2008 3 3 1 38
April 2008 0 0 0 67
March 2008 0 0 1 16
February 2008 1 1 3 19
January 2008 3 14 1 27
December 2007 0 1 2 32
November 2007 0 0 0 35
October 2007 0 2 3 33
September 2007 0 3 0 26
August 2007 5 12 5 10
July 2007 0 6 3 8
June 2007 0 0 3 12
May 2007 2 4 3 16
April 2007 0 0 4 15
March 2007 1 4 2 12
February 2007 1 5 1 9
January 2007 2 9 5 15
December 2006 1 1 0 20