Restarting the Jaguar Service with VBScript
Written By: Kevin Jordan
- 23 Mar 2006 -
Description: This is a tool that will test to see if there are any current connections to an EAServer and then restart the jaguar service. Extra functionality was included such as a time limit on the vbscript and the ability to send email notifications.
Copying the Log File
After the vbscript determines there have been 0 active connections 3 times in a row then the script performs 3 actions: archiving the jaguar.log file, restarting the jaguar service, and sending an email notification.
' Copy EA logs Set objFSO = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Set objFileCopy = objFSO.GetFile("C:\Program Files\Sybase\EAServer\bin\Jaguar.log") objFileCopy.Copy ("C:\ArchivedLogs\Sybase\JaguarLog\Jaguar" & Dateyyyymmdd() & "Restartservice.log")
Using built in file handling functions, the following lines are used to copy the jaguar.log file from C:\Program Files\Sybase\EAServer\bin to C:\ArchivedLogs\Sybase\JaguarLog. The file is also given a timestamp with Dateyyyymmdd and "Restartservice" is added to the end to distinguish it from other jaguar logs.
' // * Returns a 6 character date ' in the form yyyymmdd * // Function Dateyyyymmdd() Dim strMonth, strDay If Month(now) < 10 Then strMonth = "0" & Month(now) Else strMonth = Month(now) End If If Day(now) < 10 Then strDay = "0" & Day(now) Else strDay = Day(now) End If Dateyyyymmdd = Year(now) & strMonth & strDay End Function ' Dateyyyymmdd
I use this function all the time when I want to add a timestamp to things. I would bet there’s something built into the vbscript date system, but writing this was actually easier than finding out. The kicker is that I had to have those leading 0s for single digit months and days. Otherwise the filenames will not sort correctly.
Restarting the Service
' Restart Jaguar service and quit Set WShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") WShell.Run "net stop jaguar",0,true WShell.Run "net start jaguar",0,true
To restart the service net stop and net start are used just as we would from a command line.
Sending an Email Notification
Because the script needed to email in more than one situation, I created the SendMessage subroutine to clean up the code. To call SendMessage, include the address you’re sending the message to and the message.
' Send message that the service has been restarted Call SendMessage("", & _ "connEAReset.vbs has restarted the jaguar" & _ "service at " & Now & " on server " & GetIP()) Exit Sub
This message includes the time, provided by the Now function, and the IP address of the server from GetIP.
' // * Provide only the recipient ' and the message for email * // Function SendMessage(messageTo, strMessage) Dim objMessage, strSMTPServer, intSMTPPort Set objMessage = CreateObject("CDO.Message") ' Set the SMTP server information strSMTPServer = "" intSMTPPort = 25 objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item( _ "") = 2 objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item( _ "") = strSMTPServer objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item( _ "") = intSMTPPort objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Update objMessage.Subject = "EA Restart Script" objMessage.From = "" objMessage.TextBody = strMessage objMessage.Send Set objMessage = NOTHING End Function ' Send Message
SendMessage cleans up the code a little, by sent the majority of our parameters within the subroutine. While this affects the portability of the function, it allows emails to be sent without having to provide the SMTP server, exchange server properties, etc. Most of these lines are pretty self explanatory by looking at the variable name. Additional functionality is built into the CDO. The following lines may also be necessary:
' Add an attachment objMessage.AddAttachment("filename.txt") ' The username for authenticating to an SMTP ' server using basic (clear-text) authentication objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item _ ("") = "" ' The password used to authenticate ' to an SMTP server using authentication objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item _ ("") = "Password" 'Use SSL for the connection (False or True) objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item _ ("") = False ' Set the number of seconds to wait for a valid ' socket to be established with the SMTP ' service before timing out. objMessage.Configuration.Fields.Item _ ("") = 60
In addition to setting these, be sure to also update the strSMTPPort, strSMTPServer, and ObjMessage.From.
' // * Uses ipconfig to parse ' the servers IP address * // Function GetIP() Dim ws Set ws = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") Dim fso Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") Dim TmpFile TmpFile = fso.GetSpecialFolder(2) & "/ip.txt" Dim ThisLine, IP If ws.Environment("SYSTEM")("OS") = "" Then "winipcfg /batch " & TmpFile, 0, True Else "%comspec% /c ipconfig > " TmpFile, 0, True End If With fso.GetFile(TmpFile).OpenAsTextStream Do While NOT .AtEndOfStream ThisLine = .ReadLine If InStr(ThisLine, "Address") <> 0 Then IP = Mid(ThisLine, InStr(ThisLine, ":") + 2) End If Loop .Close End With ' WinXP (NT? 2K?) leaves a carriage ' return at the end of line If IP <> "" Then If Asc(Right(IP, 1)) = 13 Then IP = Left(IP, Len(IP) - 1) End If End If GetIP = IP fso.GetFile(TmpFile).Delete Set fso = Nothing Set ws = Nothing End Function ' GetIP
I found this function a long time ago. It works similar to the way GetConnCache does. From the command prompt, ipconfig is executed and saved to a temporary file. Knowing exactly what location to parse out, the IP address is retrieved. I may re-write this pretty soon and post the updated version in the forum. While it works just fine, the code just isn’t very organized.
Setting a Time Limit
Rather than have the program run forever if there is constantly active connections, the script has a two hour limit. If the counter doesn’t reach 3 within the two hour time, the program exits.
' We want the program to end after two hours of trying progEndTime = DateAdd("h", 2, Now) ' If the program has been running for 2 hours 'quit, retest in 15 seconds If Now() >= progEndTime Then ' Send message that the service will not restart Call SendMessage("", _ "connEAReset.vbs has exceed its time " & _ "limitation at " & Now & " on server " & _ GetIP()) Exit Sub Else Wait(15) End If
By using DateAdd(), we set the time limit by adding two hours to when the program first runs. After every a test iteration is completed, a condition statement checks to see if the current time (Now) is greater than or equal to the progEndTime. If it is then our SendMessage is called again, this time sending notification that the jaguar service has not been reset. Otherwise the program will wait its standard 15 seconds.
I was actually able to create this program pretty quickly because many of the functions and subroutines were reused from some of my older vbscripts. After writing getConnCach() and Wait() everything just fell into place. Be sure to write your code for portability (ignoring my SendMessage routine), and the more you code the quicker your future vbscript will come together.