Creating an Album List with Ajax and C#

Written By: Jay

- 20 Jun 2006 -

Description: Over the past few months I have been toying with Ajax and .NET via the AJAX.NET Pro Library. I recently had a specific task to complete and it seemed to be a perfect candidate for Ajax. The task was very simple, get a list of Albums by an Artist. This functionality is of course part of a much larger on-line music app I was constructing but I needed to start with something small. The UI was very simple a TextBox to enter an Artists' Name and a Table to display the Albums.

  1. Objects and Data
  2. Diving In
  3. Ajax and the UI
  4. The Next Level
  5. Conclusion and Pitfalls


And that's it. Now when you search form an artist by name you will get back a list of Albums all with-out the need of a post-back!!

To extend this application the next step would be to select an Album and bring back a list of songs. Once you've got the song list you could furthur extend this by selecting a song and open it with winamp.


  1. Add the HTTPHandler to the web.config.
  2. The Search methods in the code behind must be public.
  3. The Search methods in the code behind must have [Ajax.AjaxMethod()] attribute.
  4. Check the web control id names. In you use this as a web control .NET adds _Ctl0 to the ID's

If you run into problems try running the application using the traditional Post-Back method to be sure that everything is working.

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