Learning C# Part 1: Creating Your First Program

Written By: Kevin Jordan

- 28 Jun 2006 -

Description: This series aims to take a beginning programmer to an intermediate level in C#. Topics covered in Part 1 include: a brief intro to the .NET Framework, customizing Visual Studio, the stages of the development process, creating a new Windows application project, using the Forms designer, and running the application.

  1. Intro To .NET and Visual Studio
  2. The Stages of the Development Process
  3. Creating a Windows Application
  4. Using the Forms Designer and Running the App
  5. Aww Man... Not Homework

Creating a Windows Application Project

After opening up Visual Studio and selecting create a new project (File >> New >> Project), you'll see a number of options:

Creating a new project

These options are called application templates. Each application template provides different starter files and project structure that are most common when building that type of application. We'll be focusing on Windows Applications for now, but we'll probably dive into ASP.NET Web Applications, and possibly even ASP.NET Web Services a little later.

Name is obviously the name of the project and location is where your code is going to be save, not where it will be installed. Click OK and you should see Form1. Technically this is a program; you could build it, run it, and distribute it. But everyone would make fun of you, so let's keep on going.

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