Using phpFlickr to Integrate Flickr Photos on Your Own Site

Written By: Jay

- 21 Oct 2006 -

Description: In this tutorial I will explain how to use the phpFlickr API to interact with Flickr and display photos on a web site.

  1. Summary and Requirements
  2. History
  3. Getting Started
  4. How Does This Work
  5. On Your Own

On Your Own

The hardest part to all of this is knowing what functions are in the phpFlickr class and what is in the object returned by the Flickr API. I have included some base code to get started with that will provide you with basic interaction with a Flickr account. Now get the source code and start hacking.


Dan Coulter for the phpFlickr Class
Andreas Viklund for the killer HTMl Templates -
Lokesh Dhakar for Lightbox JS -
The team -
The Flickr team for the killer API -

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